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Loan Duration (day): 14
by Editors: Darlina Md. Naim, Mardiana Idayu Ahmad, Leela Rajamani
Publisher - Penerbit USM
Category - General Academics
ENVIRONMENT Natural Resources and Aquatic Environment provides insight into existing knowledge of traditional knowledge and local wisdom with regard to natural resources and aquatic environment. This book presents the reader about the strong correlation between natural resources and science and its relationship with the local knowledge of local communities. Natural sources such as marine environment and its fauna are very important in human life. Therefore, people create various equipment and modern techniques to explore the marine resources for their survival. However, before the advent of modern equipments, the world community depends on local knowledge to survive. Various marine resources that are useful to human have been discussed in this book. The importance of science and technology in improving the functions of life are also discussed.
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